Did You Miss the Fall Parent Forum?

Watch Online and On Demand Today!

We have put place the final pieces to make this an exciting, safe, and successful season of music-making. While the essence of ESYO remains the same, this season will different as we continue to adjust to life with COVID-19.

We know that many of you have questions about this rather unusual season.  The 2020-2021 Fall Parent Forum is now available on-demand.  Take our 360 degree virtual tour of Proctors and see for yourself how we have pioneered a new orchestra layout that meets all state and CDC guidelines for social distancing.

2020-2021 Fall Parent Forum

Virtual Tour


Fall 2020 & COVID-19

If you have additional questions, be sure to email your orchestra manager, read the COVID-19 Safety Procedures and Protocols outline in the Ensemble Handbook, or check out the Restart ESYO FAQ page.  

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