Empire State Youth Orchestra Logo

What is Access ESYO?

Access ESYO is an online “pay what you can” ticketing system that empowers audiences to participate at a level they can afford while safeguarding individual integrity. We want our ESYO families, friends and supporters to enjoy our youth performances without undue financial hardship.

Access ESYO allows for the purchase of concert tickets for as little as $1 per seat, and is sustained through an ongoing “pay it forward” campaign that invites donors to contribute the “gift of music” to our online ACCESS ESYO ticket bank.

ESYO has never turned away a qualified musician due to economic hardship and annually awards $30,000 in scholarships and tuition assistance. Now, we are taking steps to ensure that we never turn away an enthusiastic audience member for the same reason.

Please take advantage of Access ESYO to bring your entire family to enjoy the outstanding performances of our youth musicians.

Please give generously, if you are able, to ensure that our Ticket Bank remains solvent throughout the season!

How Does Access ESYO Work?

  • EMAIL Mary Rose at mpetrozola@esyo.org to receive your access code.
  • PURCHASE your ticket(s) through Access ESYO for as little as $1 per seat. Remember, Access ESYO is designed to make concert-going affordable, and exists for those who most need the assistance.
  • DONATE to Access ESYO by contributing a “seat” for a future patron!

Made possible, in part, by a Futures Fund Grant from the League of American Orchestras, and by donors like you. ACCESS ESYO pricing available to ESYO-produced concerts only.