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Learning Module One: Exploring the Language and Written Origins of Music

By Connor Armbruster

Watch Connor's Video | Monday, September 21, 2020

Activity One | Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Create your own harmony for "Happy Birthday." You can write it down, or simply sing or play. The chords typically used in this song are I, IV, and V. [For students who aren't familiar with chords, try using the first, fourth, and fifth note of a major scale. For example, in G Major, you would use G, C, and D.] Use these chords for inspiration, or try out something completely different. Maybe a minor chord?

Activity Two | Wednesday, September 23, 2020

List as many songs as you can that, like "Happy Birthday," you learned through oral tradition. Have you ever seen the written music for these songs?

Activity Three | Thursday, September 24, 2020

Create your own neumes. Draw some symbols on a page and see how a friend or family member interprets them. Did they make the same sounds that you had envisioned?

Activity Four | Friday, September 25, 2020

Imagine what written music might look like in the future. What elements of today’s written music do you think will remain the same? What do you think might be added or changed?