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Summer Sessions | Chamber Music Summer Program

Monday, August 01

August 12

Two-week Program | Monday, Wednesday, Friday, August 1-12, 2022

Explore the world of chamber music with your friends this summer during ESYO’s summer chamber music program. Sign up with your friends and create your chamber ensemble or sign up on your own, and ESYO will match you with a group of musicians who are as passionate about music as you.

Each chamber ensemble meets three times a week for 90 minutes to rehearse and prepare a chamber piece for the concert stage. Each session includes coaching from an experienced chamber musician and the chance for you and your friends to work together to learn more about the art of playing as a small ensemble.

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 The program culminates on Friday, August 12, 2022 at 11:00am with a FREE Outdoor Concert along the Mohawk River at Freedom Park in Scotia. 



Sign Up Today!

$50 for registered ESYO members in CHIME Orchestra, String Orchestra, Wind Orchestra, Repertory Orchestra, and Symphony Orchestra. 
$250 for non-ESYO musicians NYSSMA level III and above.

When you sign up and are placed in an ensemble, you'll be notified of your ensemble and assigned a time slot.
Session A: 9:00am to 10:30am
Session B: 10:30am to 12:00pm


At ESYO's Summer Sessions, you'll study your instrument with professional chamber musicians, learn new skills, enjoy the great outdoors, and make new friends before rehearsals begin.

Sign up for one or more sessions and get a jump start on the 2022-2023 season. Bring your friends! Many of the ESYO Summer Sessions are open to non-ESYO members.